Like many of my generation, I was introduced to programming when I was given a Commodore64: from there, the transition from playing games to trying to make one was short and I began to get interested in languages. When I was 16 I upgraded to an 8086 and then followed all the evolutions in hardware, operating systems and programming languages. Over the course of now thirty years in IT, I have developed software from scratch for management systems for a wide variety of fields, and helped teams in their learning and improvement. I am also a co-author of Cronache di Domain-Driven Design, and a co-founder of DDD Open and of Polenta and Deploy.
When we consider creating a distributed system, frequently we use Bounded Contexts to handle specific business functions within clearly defined boundaries.
But is this enough? What about the static dependencies that each microservice has with the database or the servicebus or even with the frontend?
In this workshop we will explore the concept of Architectural Quantum (an independently deployable component with high functional cohesion) and how it can help us to create a distributed system with a clear separation of concerns.
Join us to discover a way to implement this architectural solution.