
Want to maximize your learning by really digging into a topic and getting hands-on experience with an expert instructor? We will be offering full-day (9am-5pm) pre-conference workshops prior to the Wednesday evening conference kickoff on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, September 16, 17 & 18, 2019.

[SOLD OUT] EventStorming Masterclass

Alberto Brandolini & Paul Rayner 2-Day Workshop
Tue-Wed, Sept 17-18

EventStorming is a workshop format that promotes collaboration between different disciplines in order to sove business problems in the most effective way. In this two day format we’ll experience the different formats, working around real business problems. Read more...

DDD For Messaging Architectures

Mathias Verraes 3-Day Workshop
Mon-Wed, Sept 16-18

The software industry keeps moving towards more message-oriented architectures. These require different ways of reasoning about system design, domain modelling, evolutionary architectures. Domain-Driven Design is exceptionally suitable for Read more...

Strategic DDD

Eric Evans 2-Day Workshop
Tue-Wed, Sept 17-18

Some design decisions have an impact on the trajectory of the whole project. Modeling is most needed in complex circumstances, yet the typical dynamics of large projects too often derail it or disconnect it from the real design. This course delves into principles Read more...

Domain Modeling Made Functional

Scott Wlaschin 2-Day Workshop
Tue-Wed, Sept 17-18

Functional programming and domain-driven design might not seem to be a good match, but in fact functional programming can be an excellent approach to designing decoupled, reusable systems with a rich domain model. This workshop will show you why. Read more...

Eventstorming and Example Mapping From Problem Space to Solution Space

Thomas Pierrain 2-Day Workshop
Tue-Wed, Sept 17-18

Creating multiple models for the same problem is one of the more important lessons that Domain Driven Design teaches us. It is a lot cheaper to quickly iterate over them and throw away less useful prototypes before we even Read more...

DIY Event Sourcing Tooling

Marijn Huizendveld 2-Day Workshop
Tue-Wed, Sept 17-18

In this workshop you will learn that with little effort you can improve your workflow by building your own set of tools made specifically for your context. Scaling applications, refactoring models, testing the solution, debugging problems, proving what happened, or deploying to production; CQRS and event sourcing make it easier. Read more...


Indu Alagarsamy 1-Day Workshop
Wed, Sept 18

Using message queues is the first step in building more reliable systems. However, this takes a different approach to reasoning about the design of your system, and the structure of your code. But reliability is as much a domain modeling concern as a technical quality. How can we deal with complex business processes, that can fail at multiple points in time? How do we roll back multiple operations in a long-running business process? Read more...